Two 100μA full sale PMMC meters are employed to construct a 10 V and a 100 V full scale voltmeter.These meters will have figure of merits (sensitivities)as

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The setup in the figure is used to measure resistance R. The ammeter and voltmeter resistance are 0.01Ω and 2000Ω respectively. Their readings are 2 A and 180 V respectively, giving a measured resistance of 90Ω. The percentage error in the measurement is _______.-4.5

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The line to line input voltage to the 3-phase 50 Hz, AC circuit shown in figure is 100 V rms. Assuming that the phase sequence is RYB the wattmeter would read.

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A digital voltmeter has 412 digit display is operated in selected voltage range of 2 V, the sensitivity of DVM is______mV.0.1

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The measured system shown in the figure uses thee sub-system in cascade whose gains are specified as G1,G2 and 1/G3. The relative small errors associated with each respective subsystem G1,G2 and G3 are ε1,ε2 and ε3. The error associated with the output is:

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An ammeter has a range of 0 to 30 A. The instrument gave the following readings.Current flow (A)0510152025Ammeter reading1412142228The non-linearity of the instrument in terms of full scale reading (FSR) is ........ % FSR.10

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The voltage phasor of a circuit is 10∠15∘V and the current phasor is 2∠−45∘A. The active and the reactive powers in the circuit are

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A rectifier type PMMC voltmeter has a sensitivity of 20 kΩ/V. A reading of 4.5 V is obtained when measuring a voltage source with an internal resistance on it's 5 V scale. When the scale is changed to 10 V full scale, a reading of 6 V is obtained. The value of the voltage and it's internal resistance R are

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For the network shown in the figure, the voltage across terminal AB is measured by a voltmeter. The sensitivity of voltmeter is 2kΩ/volt. Which of the following statement is true?

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Two wattmeters are connected to measure power in a 3-phase network. The two readings are 2000 watts and 1000 watts respectively. If another wattmeter to be connected such that its current coil is in one phase and the potential coil is across the other two phase terminals. Then the reading of wattmeter is _______VAR.

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For a given frequency, the deflecting torque in an induction type ammeter is directly proportional to

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The linear sweep for the time base in an oscilloscope has deviation from its nominal waveform. The nominal (dashed line) and actual (solid line) sweep waveforms are shown in the following figure.A 5V p-p sine wave with a frequency of 1kHz will be measured on the oscilloscope as a sine wave with

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Three DC currents, I1, I2 and I3 meet at a node with I1 entering, I2 and I3 leaving the node. I1 and I2 are measured as 100 mA and 99 mA with ±1% accuracy. Then the value I3 and the accuracy of I3 are

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The Maxwell's bridge shown in the figue is at balance. The parameters of the inductive coil are

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A temperature sensor having a range of 0-100°C has a worst case accuracy specification of ±1.0% of true value or ±0.3% of full scale, whichever is higher. The sensitivity of the sensor is experimentally obtained by taking its readings at true temperatures 25°C and 75°C. The maximum error in sensitivity, expressed as percentage of its ideal value is

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