How do you conserve soil ?

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If the vertices of a triangle be (a, 1), (b, 3) and (4, c), then the centroid of the triangle will lie on x-axis, if

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Sardar Patel is credited for having merged around _______ princely states with the Union of India.550

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Which among the following statements are true about Khasi uprising:- 1. It was against the Zamidars. 2. Karam Shah was the leader of this uprising. 3. Resulted in an agreement. Codes:

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Identify the reason why the schedule caste and tribes were not able to avail employment opportunities in different sectors?

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Who amongst the rulers of southern India were the contemporaries of kings of the Gupta empire?

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Consider the following statements about ideals of Brahmo Samaj established by Raja Ram Mohan Roy. 1. The efforts of this Samaj led the Regulation XVII, via which Lord Wellesly abolished Sati practice in India. 2. Brahma is the supreme immortal soul from whom all humans are originated, so only Brahma's idol or image can be used for his worship. 3. The worship was performed through prayers and mediation and readings from Upanishads. And the Samaj was open for all caste and creeds. Choose the correct options

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Q9. Consider the following pairs. Tribes - States 1. Oraons - Chhattisgarh 2. Maldhari - Gujarat 3. Mishmis - Assam Which of the above pairs is/are correct?

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Which of these are components of a pistil? I: Style II: Anther III: Stigma IV: Ovary

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In which of the following types of economy people have limited wants?

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Where is Samburu National Park located?

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Who among the following rulers held a religious assembly at Prayag every five years for donating gifts to people?

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What titles were abolished as a part of ‘Right to Equality’?

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Name the synthetic fiber which resembles woolo in its properties?

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Who received the credit for making socialism popular?

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