A large scale bearing capacity test on a footing of size 1.05 m × 1.05 m at a depth of 1.5 m yielded an ultimate value of 141 kN. Unconfined compression tests on the soft saturated clay yielded strength of 0.33 N/mm2. If the unit weight of the soil is 1.6 g/cc, how much does the test value differ from that obtained using Terzaghi's bearing capacity equation?6.804

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An unsupported excavation is made to the maximum possible depth in a clay soil having γt = 18kN/m3, C=100kN/m2, ϕ=30∘. The active earth pressure, according to Rankine's theory, at the base level of the excavation is

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Taylor's stability number Sn is given by which one of the following expressions ? (c is cohesion , Fc is fcator of safety, γ is density of soil and H is the height of the slope).

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A group of 16 piles of 10 m length and 0.5 m diameter is installed in a 10 m thick stiff clay layer underlain by rock. The pile-soil adhesion factor is 0.4; average shear strength of soil on the sides is 100 kPa; undrained shear strength of the soil at the base is also 100 kPaAssuming 100% efficiency, the group side resistance is

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The soil profile at a site consists of a 5 m thick sand and layer underlain by a c−ϕ soil as shown in figure. The water table is found 1m below the ground level. The entire soil mass is retained by a concrete retaining wall and is in the active state. The back of the wall is smooth and vertical. The total active earth pressure (expressed in kN/m2) at a point A as per Rankine's theory is .69.654

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An infinite soil slope with an inclination of 35∘ is subjected to seepage parallel to its surface. The soil has C' = 100kN/m2 and ϕ′=30∘. Using the concept of mobilized cohesion and friction, at a factor of safety of 1.5 with respect to shear strength, the mobilized friction angle is

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A vertical retaining wall of 5m height has to support soil having unit weight of 18KN/m3, effective cohesion of 12KN/m2, and effective friction angle of 30∘, As per Rankine's earth pressure theory and assuming that a tension crack has occured, the lateral active thrust on the wall per meter length (in KN/m, round off to two decimal places), is 21.71

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Which one of the following typical pressure distribution diagrams represents the lateral pressure distribution on braced sheeting in stiff clay with temporary support, as given by Tschebotarioff?

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A granular soil possesses saturated density of 20KN/m3. Its effective angle of Internal friction is 35∘. If the desired factor of safety is 1.5, the safe angle of slope for this soil, when seepage occurs at and parallel to the slope surface, will be

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A group of 16 piles of 10 m length and 0.5 m diameter is installed in a 10 m thick stiff clay layer underlain by rock. The pile-soil adhesion factor is 0.4; average shear strength of soil on the sides is 100 kPa; undrained shear strength of the soil at the base is also 100 kPaThe base resistance of a single pile is

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A pile of dia 0.4 m fully embedded in a clay strata having 5 layers; each 5 m thick as shown in fig. Assuming a constant unit weight of soil 18 kN/m3 for all the layers using λ- method (λ=0.15 for 25 m embedment length) and neglecting the end bearing components the ultimate beam capacity (in kN) is1625.77

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A 2 m × 4 m rectangular footing has to carry a uniformly distributed load of 120 kPa. as per the 2 : 1 dispersion method of stress distribution, the increment in vertical stress (kPa) at a depth of 2 m below the footing is40

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A 5m high vertical wall has a saturated clay backfill. The saturated unit weight and cohesion of clay are 18kN/m3 and 20 kPa, respectively. The angle of internal friction of clay is zero. In order to prevent development of tension zone, the height of the wall is required to be increased. Dry sand is used as backfill above the clay for the increased portion of the wall. The unit weight and angle of internal friction of sand are 16kN/m3 and 30∘, respectively. Assume that the back of the wall is smooth and top of the backfill is horizontal. To prevent the development of tension zone, the minimum height (in m, round off to one decimal place) by which the wall has to be raised, is .2.5

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As per Terzaghi's equation, the bearing capacity of strip footing resting on cohesive soil (c=10kN/m2) for unit depth and unit width (assume Nc as 5.7) is

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A vertical cut is to be made in a soil mass having cohesion c, angle of internal friction ϕ, and unit weight γ. Considering KaandKp as the coefficient of active and passive earth pressures, respectively, the maximum depth of unsupported excavation is

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