What do the long run marginal cost and the average cost curves look like?

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In the development model of USA and Britain, one the biggest innovations was in the sector of:

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What is the reason for the long run equilibrium of a firm under monopolistic competition to be associated with zero profit?

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Differentiate between internal trade and external trade.

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Unionised workers may be able to negotiate with management for higher wages during periods of economic prosperity. Suppose that workers at automobile assembly plants successfully negotiate a significant increase in their wage package. How would the new wage contract be likely to affect the market supply of new cars?

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Money given to a worker for the work done during a month.

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Which of the following is/are the basic premises of Malthus' theory?

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Why did the wheat-growing areas fare better in the Green Revolution?

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Explain the relation between marginal revenue and average revenue when a firm is able to sell more quantity of output : (i) at the same price. (ii) only by lowering the price. OR Explain the effect of the following on the supply of a commodity : (a) Fall in the prices of factor inputs. (b) Rise in the prices of other commodities.

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On the basis of the information given below, determine the level of output at which the producer will be in equilibrium. Use the marginal cost - marginal revenue approach. Give reasons for your answer. Output (Units)Average Revenue (Rs)Total Cost (Rs.)17827153721472657336741

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When the government enforces a price ceiling on a good, which is lower than the current market price, _________.

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A team of 7 players is to be formed out of 5 under 19 players and 6 senior players. In how many ways, the team can be chosen when at least 4 senior players are included?

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A producer supplies 100 units of a good at a price of Rs. 20 per unit. Price elasticity of supply is 2. At what price will he supply 50 units? Calculate.

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In which stage of the demographic transition model is the birth rate and the death rate are low?

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Labour is hirable but you cannot hire:

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